Thursday, March 26, 2009

As the Jukebox fades....

The lights dim slowly in the house.

The Jukebox fades.

The stage lights shine gently as everyone is waiting..........

It's interesting I think. Those few seconds between the silence of the world and the sound of music lies the choice to prevail and the choice to become just another voice quickly forgotten.

Without a band behind me. It was a moment of awakening. A moment that my ability was put to the test and the results lay in no other hands but my own.

No Electric Guitar to mask the vocals.
No bass or drums to keep the rhythm, to keep the beat.
The Beat is my own.
The Guitar is my groove.

There is a lot to be said about the courage and investment of time it takes to be able to entertain an uncertain crwod for 45 minutes. How would someone be able to captivate a crowd, rock their hearts and then put the entire experience into words?

It all happens so fast.

What I thought would be 45 minutes of forever, became 45 minutes of a few fleeting moments.

The crowd was awesomely receptive. They were responsive and positive the entire time. Great applause and positive affirmation. After every song I was able to reconnect with the audience. A joke. A story about the song to come mixed with some clever comments and conversation brought everyone back to the night. The energy was great and about 2 songs in I was warmed up and ready to rock. I had gone over this set multiple times. Practiced every crescendo, perfected every dynamic transition and, to my amazement, remembered every lyric. If you've ever been able to catch a glimpse of a lyric sheet of mine you've noticed that I'm not the kind of writer that repeats line for line... over and over... time and time again. Yeah.. that's not me. I have a story to tell and only a few minutes to do it. So I make sure I'm able to paint a full picture of the content and emotion in only a number of seconds for everyone to understand.


Underworld, the very last song, was a bit of a dedication. An understanding and message to calm the worries of a strong heart and offer mine in return. After that last song. After the applause had settled down, there I was. Unplugging 1/4" cables and breaking down FXpedals. Trying to make it happen quickly so the next band could setup and rock. The house music had not come back on yet and I was working in somewhat of an interesting silence. Still on stage, Still under the lights, and silent.


A single applause came from the crowd.

Then Two.

Then Three...

One by one hands were coming together in applause throughout the club.

I looked up to find everyone applauding. Yelling and Cheering, Hand shakes and High Fives.

What a great night that was.

Right at that second I truly believed that I was where I was supposed to be.
Right at The time,
on that stage,
in that moment.

So, to everyone that was there. Thank you.

Thank you to everyone for your support and your applause.

It brought the night from Awesome to Amazing and for that I am forever in your debt.

Keep in touch.

And I'll do the same.

Until next time.

Live it, Love it, Don't ever let it go.

If you have it, hold it. If you want it, get it.

Peace, Love, and Happiness.

Thanks Again,


Some Digi-Music for your listening pleasure // Ask and you shall receive.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

2 days

knock, knock, knock.

brought me back to reality today.

I had been daydreaming about what the french call a certain, "I don't know what", when that sound hit my ears.

So to the door I went.

It's always interesting meeting the people that knock on your door at 10 in the morning.

Some of my friends are quick to dispatch these people.

Yes sometimes they want to sell you something...

Okay... well...

Most of the time they want to sell you something.

I remember this one time, at band camp, I opened the door to a well dressed guy with a 2 liter of Pepsi in his hand.

(note: don't ever open the door for a guy with a 2 liter of Pepsi in his hand)

I did.

One guy became two guys, and they were quickly walking into my house with a bunch of big plastic cases, talking about the best vacuum in the world.

Well, anyone that knows me understands my affinity for a bad-ass vacuum.

However, bad ass to me is the dyson powerball - $499.99 at select retailers.

Bad-ass to them was a "Kirby", which I had never heard of before. They seemed kind of offended I hadn't heard of Kirby.

My ex-girlfriend got pissed at me once because her yuppie friend had just purchased a new pair of eye glasses from a name I didn't recognize.

I asked him to repeat it because I hadn't heard of it before and received a pretty intense tongue lashing from my girlfriend for that one.

Hence my EX-girlfriend.

back to the story that isn't really the story yet.

2 guys became 1 guy. The original guy, with the 2 liter of Pepsi in his hand, left his buddy alone. In my house. With a $2,500.00 vacuum. And a guy that's slightly off his rocker and has a love for Vacuums.


Well this Vacuum was over 2,500.00 dollars which really blew my mind; but he was interested in showing me how awesome it was, and I wasn't gonna stop them. Although I did re-enforce the fact that by no means was I interested in his product. he was still insistent that he did his demo.

It was an educational event.

This morning however, I met Hugh. A 79 year young Haitian gentlemen that wanted to talk to me about the Bible. I always like these guys. They ask the questions that I like to punch little holes in with my arsenal of articulation.

He was very calm, very insightful, very devout.

He has a strong belief in his belief and I like to see that in people, even if I don't share in their passion for it.

I don't mind listening to different views on religion, politics, pro-choice, not pro-choice.

It's interesting to me to understand the perspective.

What I don't appreciate is someone trying to prove to me that I am wrong and they are right.

It's almost like they are playing the fingers and I am the Chinese trap.

The harder they pull to get their way, the harder it is to sway my opinion.

Not that it could be swayed to any particular extreme, but a little bending to comprehend a point of view is not outside my realm of compensation.

Hugh, however was not trying to force anything on me. It was very interesting to listen to him talk about his life, the things and rules he believes in and follows with vigor.

He had great passion for his purpose and asked insightful questions that I should not take so lightly and answer so quickly.

He definitely sparked my pondering mind today.

Why are we here?

What is our purpose?

What happens in the end?

Is "the end" truly "the end"?

All life's questions that have been questions long before our time; and will remain unanswered questions long after blogging and the internet is ancient history.

Those are 4 simple questions that I think about constantly.

My relationship with Hugh was short lived but direct. Sometimes the people that we meet have great words of wisdom that, if we choose, can assist us in a greater understanding of...


I finished the set list for Friday.

I've received a lot of requests for certain songs.

I think this will satisfy all the inquisitions.

I invite your requests and I will do my best to fulfill them.

Thank you again for your time.


March 20th - holly n Dolly's
March 22nd - The Art of Coffee
search for me on google
find me on facebook.
follow me on twitter.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The 20:8 on the 15-3

When they say times moves faster as time passes they are not kidding around.

There have been a few quotes that I've read that bring the focus back to::: If you're willing to wait until tomorrow to do "it" (the it referring to whatever goal you have next on your to do list) then you are willing to die before it gets done.

Does anyone know what today signifies?

March 15th?

Hmm.. anybody?

Well usually in a restaurant you have two types of salad choices... at least..

a house salad / tossed salad... ha... tossed salad...

Anyway, those usually come with the standard salad ingredients.

Then you have your other option with is usually Romaine lettuce, croutons, Parmesan cheese and a particular dressing that is also in the title.

anyways... that dude was given the key to the kingdom and the power to protect it.. and never gave up his power.

Granted he built one of the most powerful empires to date, he did it in a slightly shady way.

so today is his day... sort of.

The older you get the faster time moves.

The younger we are there is nothing to do and time passes so slowly. Nothing much to do, not enough time to do it.

Then the older we get we realize that we can never fully finish a to-do list before we start another one.

then that one list merges with two...

with three...

then days




decades pass.

and we still find ourselves with pen in hand and letter on sheet trying to give our life some sort of organization.

Here's a tip.

Put your list down.

Go outside

Lose yourself in the wonderment of our sky and try to pan back from yourself; straight up... little by little...

To where you are 10 feet high, 50 feet high, 100 feet high.. and try to keep in mind the space you take up on this earth in this time.

It's fairly difficult to do.

If anyone really tries it, it can be mentally exhausting trying to fill in all the details without losing concentration and breaking the picture.

A sudden insignificance will probably be the first thing that enters your mind.

The world is so big.

and I am so small.

try to get past that one... we're all small compared to the World

think about the people that have stood where you are standing now.

For hundreds of years men, women, children, grandmothers, and grandfathers stood right where you are standing now and existed.

Tried to make sense of all of this.

And perhaps they did.

Perhaps they figured out the world.

perhaps they didn't.

In the end.

It's all bullshit

The only thing that matters is what you do with your time RIGHT NOW.

If you've want to be a painter, paint.

If you want to be a teacher, teach.

The only thing holding you back...

is you.

So drop the list,

Forget the time,

And pursue your life.

Baz Lurhman said it.

"the race is long, but in the end, it's only with yourself."

-thank you for typing this.

-youre welcome :)

-/03/15/09/- Sunday -

Show this Friday at Holly and Dolly's

Show this Sunday at The Art of Coffee.

be there.

or be a rectangle.

-Billy Flizzle De Dizzle~!