Monday, April 06, 2009

Once you're hooked, you're hooked.

I can go a few days without it.

Not many; but I can go a few.

and when I say "go" I mean...

and when I say "last" I mean...

and when I say "............

just playin.


I'm pretty hopeful that by this time into this blog you have construed a mental image of your interpretation of "go, last, or withstand a few day without it."; and perhaps managed to substitute your own idea of what "it" really is.

I have mine.

I'm sure in some way you have yours.

Unless I'm wrong.

Which I don't believe I am. ;)


It only takes a few days without it and suddenly something seems to be screwing up my Chi.

There are times that I am more successful at coping with these issues than others.

It's only noticeable while it's going on.

It took me a while to realize what that disturbingly, unsatisfactory punch in the mouth was that in turn could quickly push me into a pretty unsavory mood.

Especially when I first started.

That feeling would last and last. (the punch in the mouth feeling)

I couldn't wait til the next time and it was almost like everything else was just getting in the way.

And when I was finally able to get it.. it was as if I had waited a lifetime for it and the experience itself... lasted only seconds.

Until the next time. Oh, so far away.

It didn't take me very long to asses the situation and determine that I was addicted.

But once you're hooked...

Bah! Good luck.

Started to get the shakes... It's all I thought about... It's all I wanted...

It's all I needed.

And soon...

It will be mine again.


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