Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Last Hoorah!

So i guess its like graduating from.. well.. anything...

lets take college for example.. now i know its been a few years since i graduated but i still remember the BS i had to go through to get to walk that walk..

last minutes spent in my advisors office making sure all the credits matched up.. financial aid to make sure every last penny was taken care of..

make sure all the courses are takin care of.. ordering that damn cap n gown.. turnin in last minute books and scrapin together the last few cents i have to wash and dry my one good shirt that didnt have Greek Letters on it...

and then.. the next thing i know..

--"William Floyd with a Bachelors of Science in the field of Computer Information Systems."

and those several and very memorable steps across the stage to be handed by the president of the university a rolled up piece of paper that lets the world know..

i did it. i finished. all the way through.. and in 4 years too.. and oh the things i took from that experience.. the laughs, tears, times i was so pissed off at the world and that didnt negate the fact that i had my M.I.S. and Computer Theory Projects due at the same time.. both spanning about 45 - 50 pages.. Business Management and Micro-management, and of course those damn cornerstone classes.. boo.

and i always had some drama with the fraternity. of course. it never ends..

however.. after those steps, a shake of the hand of Dr. Kirk, A lil flash of the camera and a few more steps and i was Gooooooooooooone baby!

good times..

but.. just a few days before and the days leading up to it.. well.. it was hell.. timing was everything and i think i made it with about 1/56th of a friggin chance in heaven.. but i made it..

so here we are.. jan 13th 5:36 pm 2005.. just a few hours till the flickerstick concert...and hear i am.. on the virge of.. something.. i can feel it in my bones.

not sure what it is... but im definitely excited. not sure if its the good kind of excitement either but ill be sure to post when i get back.

fill you in on anything remotely interesting that happens..

till then..

this is B-stilios signin off..

thursday Jan 27th Chubby's in Tallahassee check it out mein!

i'm almost over.